Martha Perry Lowe Park

The Martha Perry Lowe Park design was a cross departmental effort with the City of Somerville’s Planning & Zoning, Engineering, and Public Space and Urban Forestry (PSUF) departments working with the design team and development team of 346 Union apartments.

The City of Somerville’s Goals for Public Spaces became our mission: to increase the urban tree canopy, to provide pervious surfaces and decrease stormwater flowing into city infrastructure, to provide durable furnishings that accommodate a variety of physical needs, and to include 100% native plantings that consider climate change and lower maintenance needs. In addition to meeting all these goals, we incorporated playful hammock stations - stop by with your hammock and enjoy!

Client: John M Corcoran & Co

Location: Somerville, MA

Type: Passive Park

Status: Construction completed 2023

Size: 7,017 SF

Contractor: Nauset Construction + Hynes Landscaping